Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Holy Wars, Holy Tears

In the last years the fast grow of online gaming market brought also the roleplay online platforms out of their traditional niche of gamers/roleplayer to a larger crowd of consumers. This new players generally haven’t a proper roleplay or gaming experience and not used to deal with concepts and mechanics that are obvious to any “old-school” roleplayer.
Why do we care for this? Because this new kind of players/consumers in the last years are also floodding SL places and play systems more oriented to roleplay. They come from MMORPG like World of Warraft, Guild Wars, Aion, Diablo... They are used to game mechanics shaped by the game industry to cuddle them (and their wallets): they expect simplcity and ease,  their gameplay background is focused on interaction with AI bots and scripted roleplay scenarios  more than with other players.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

An open mind

"An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded"

As far as I look back to our roleplay Liderc always had a “territorial” feeling and such a fetish for their home bases, castles, dungeons or whatever. These days we completing a new rebuild of our home in the new Masada location. 
In the past 4-5 years Liderc changed several times bases and locations. I counted 9 different bases: the first 4 of them following one another in Reverance, then the 3 rebuilds in Spiritus Sancti, 2 in Masada (not considering here the minor outpost we had in Judgment because it lasted only few weeks and was never really operative). 

So we crossed years, buildings, roleplay/combat systems, always searching for fun, building gameplay as we rebuilt our bases, mazes, outposts. 
And always rocking stagnant waters, often causing tears doing this (for this we’re glad: gamers’ tears best tears).