To all Masada residents.
Today, during the work to remove debris from the bridge ruined by the recent earthquake a strange creature showed up from the river. This creature proved to be hostile and dangerous. We're doing research about it. In the meantiime everyone have to pay attention and stay on guard.
** The Masada Town Council **
Abe and Penny looking at earthquake damage to see how to fix things...decide to call others in to help.
[10:21 AM] Valeria Karrantza: hi :)
[10:21 AM] Kaisaris Karrantza: hi abe and penny
[10:21 AM] Abe Tristan: hey hello there
[10:21 AM] Valeria Karrantza: come state
[10:21 AM] DeaAthena Helendale: how are you
[10:21 AM] PennySage Tristan: hello dea and kai
[10:21 AM] Valeria Karrantza: huggies Penny!
[10:21 AM] DeaAthena Helendale: Penny huggies!
[10:21 AM] Kaisaris Karrantza: how are you
[10:21 AM] PennySage Tristan: we good
[10:21 AM] Valeria Karrantza: uhmm... hai cambiato tattoo Abe?
[10:21 AM] DeaAthena Helendale: uhmm ... Abe tattoo you changed?
[10:21 AM] Valeria Karrantza: o.O
[10:22 AM] Abe Tristan: yep
[10:22 AM] Valeria Karrantza: lol
[10:22 AM] DeaAthena Helendale: I used to see those dark
[10:23 AM] DeaAthena Helendale: you have to repair the earthquake damage?
[10:23 AM] Abe Tristan: we'll need a call to citizens to remove the debris here and fix the bridge
[10:23 AM] PennySage Tristan: yeah we need some help i think
[10:23 AM] DeaAthena Helendale: citizens must remove them?
[10:24 AM] DeaAthena Helendale: we can help
[10:24 AM] DeaAthena Helendale: will be a pleasure to do
[10:25 AM] Abe Tristan: yes, we'll have to arrnage some team for this
[10:25 AM] DeaAthena Helendale: well, we will be here to help
[10:25 AM] PennySage Tristan: yeah i say the men go in that dirty water and remove falling debris from it
[10:26 AM] Kaisaris Karrantza: if you want i can get many slaves to work, you say me how much you need
[10:26 AM] PennySage Tristan: slaves you have slaves
[10:26 AM] Abe Tristan: yes, prolly we'll need
[10:27 AM] DeaAthena Helendale: there is much work to do
[10:27 AM] PennySage Tristan: hope you feed them well and keep them strong
[10:28 AM] Kaisaris Karrantza: nah dont need eat, they are lycans, ever be strong even no eat
[10:29 AM] PennySage Tristan: oh will they want to get wet
[10:30 AM] PennySage Tristan: hello young man
[10:30 AM] Valeria Karrantza: hi Sir
[10:30 AM] Sirzechs Gremory:nods in greeting
[10:30 AM] Abe Tristan: hello t ere
[10:30 AM] PennySage Tristan: uhm you strong
[10:31 AM] DeaAthena Helendale: harsh is strong?
[10:31 AM] Sirzechs Gremory shrug "me still little"
[10:31 AM] PennySage Tristan: oh would you care to help clean up some debris from the river here
[10:33 AM] DeaAthena Helendale: How long do you think will serve to clean up all debris Penny?
[10:33 AM] PennySage Tristan: not sure depends on how many come to help
[10:33 AM] Valeria Karrantza: nods
[10:33 AM] Sirzechs Gremory: well i can help but not with this body of mine
[10:33 AM] DeaAthena Helendale: I think my husband will come to those who help
[10:35 AM] PennySage Tristan: well i know im not going in that water to dirty right now
[10:35 AM] DeaAthena Helendale: in that water should go to men
[10:36 AM] PennySage Tristan: im in to mud wresting with rocks and debris
[10:36 AM] Kaisaris Karrantza: well, i need go for help, and slaves
[10:36 AM] DeaAthena Helendale: think they will be available?
[10:37 AM] Seren Gibbs: hello^^
[10:37 AM] Valeria Karrantza: Seren!! ))
[10:37 AM] DeaAthena Helendale: Seren! ))
[10:37 AM] PennySage Tristan: hello
[10:37 AM] Seren Gibbs: :D
[10:37 AM] Sirzechs Gremory turns around "Greetings Miss"
[10:37 AM] Seren Gibbs: oh someone with wings
[10:38 AM] PennySage Tristan: maybe a angel
[10:38 AM] Valeria Karrantza: Kais è andato in cerca di schiavi,lui tornerà presto qui
[10:38 AM] DeaAthena Helendale: Kais went in search of slaves, he will return here soon
[10:38 AM] Sirzechs Gremory chuckles close but wrong side"
[10:38 AM] Seren Gibbs: those wings looks too dark for being an angel
[10:38 AM] Seren Gibbs grins:"a damon then?"
[10:38 AM] PennySage Tristan: awwww a demon
[10:39 AM] Valeria Karrantza: un demone? o.O
[10:39 AM] DeaAthena Helendale: a demon? o.O
[10:39 AM] Sirzechs Gremory shrugs "Neverseen a demon in human form?"
[10:39 AM] Valeria Karrantza: mia sorella è diventata un demone -.-
[10:39 AM] DeaAthena Helendale: my sister has become a demon -. -
[10:39 AM] Seren Gibbs: who is your sister?
[10:40 AM] Valeria Karrantza: yes
[10:40 AM] Valeria Karrantza: Alice
[10:40 AM] Valeria Karrantza: lei è un demone
[10:40 AM] DeaAthena Helendale: she is a demon
[10:40 AM] Seren Gibbs: I never met her
[10:40 AM] DeaAthena Helendale: she is on vacation, will soon return to Masada
[10:41 AM] Abe Tristan: hey Seren
[10:41 AM] Seren Gibbs: hi^^
[10:41 AM] Abe Tristan whispers: what happened to yoU?
[10:41 AM] DeaAthena Helendale: Chuckles
[10:42 AM] Seren Gibbs: uhm dunno, I just wake up so this morning
[10:42 AM] DeaAthena Helendale: some vampire you took all the blood? you're so pale Seren
[10:42 AM] Abe Tristan: oh
[10:42 AM] Abe Tristan: happens
[10:42 AM] Valeria Karrantza: nods
[10:42 AM] Seren Gibbs: nah, I am sure it's Alty fault
[10:42 AM] Valeria Karrantza: o:o
[10:43 AM] Valeria Karrantza: Alty?
[10:43 AM] Abe Tristan: who is alty
[10:43 AM] Seren Gibbs: the last thing I remeber is that I was healing her last night
[10:43 AM] DeaAthena Helendale: what has he done?
[10:43 AM] Seren Gibbs: Alty is a witch
[10:43 AM] Valeria Karrantza: yes
[10:43 AM] DeaAthena Helendale: a witch very strong
[10:44 AM] PennySage Tristan chuckles "oh she stronger then me dea"
[10:44 AM] DeaAthena Helendale: who?
[10:45 AM] DeaAthena Helendale: Penny, who is stronger than you? Alty?
[10:45 AM] PennySage Tristan: this witch you all talking about
[10:45 AM] DeaAthena Helendale: Penny you are very strong
[10:45 AM] DeaAthena Helendale: I know your strength, your magic
[10:46 AM] PennySage Tristan: dont think ever turn one into a doll before ......*giggles*
[10:46 AM] Valeria Karrantza: giggles*
[10:46 AM] DeaAthena Helendale: * giggles
[10:46 AM] Sirzechs Gremory coughs alittle blood
[10:46 AM] PennySage Tristan: hope she didnt make you real porcelain seren
[10:47 AM] Seren Gibbs: I am scared to check, so I don't know yet
[10:47 AM] PennySage Tristan: well dont fall down then
[10:47 AM] Abe Tristan: we can try to throw her from the bridge and see if she break
[10:48 AM] PennySage Tristan shake her head
[10:48 AM] Valeria Karrantza: -.-
[10:48 AM] Seren Gibbs: ooh It may work and I will back in me
[10:48 AM] DeaAthena Helendale: I can try to bite her neck, you will see if she is a doll
[10:49 AM] PennySage Tristan: oh my
[10:49 AM] PennySage Tristan: dont break a tooth dea
[10:49 AM] Seren Gibbs: uhm better the bridge then
[10:49 AM] PennySage Tristan: hey furball
[10:49 AM] Kyle Juriya: hey fat ass
[10:50 AM] Seren Gibbs: Kyle^^
[10:50 AM] Valeria Karrantza: kyle!!
[10:50 AM] DeaAthena Helendale: kyle!
[10:50 AM] Kyle Juriya: waves to everyone
[10:50 AM] Valeria Karrantza: huggies
[10:50 AM] Sirzechs Gremory: Greetings Kyle
[10:50 AM] Kyle Juriya: greeting bro
[10:50 AM] PennySage Tristan: kyle go into water here and help clean up this mess here
[10:50 AM] Kyle Juriya: into the water?
[10:50 AM] Kyle Juriya: looks around
[10:50 AM] DeaAthena Helendale: Penny will think that the slaves are trying Kais
[10:51 AM] Kyle Juriya: i look like a scuba diver to you
[10:51 AM] PennySage Tristan: to clean up the mess from earthquake
[10:51 AM] Kyle Juriya: looks over the edge
[10:51 AM] Kyle Juriya: pfft
[10:51 AM] Sirzechs Gremory: Plezse excuse me its name to put this body back in the stabilize pod
[10:51 AM] Kyle Juriya: what a mess
[10:51 AM] Sirzechs Gremory: time*
[10:51 AM] PennySage Tristan: yeah
[10:51 AM] PennySage Tristan: take care
[10:51 AM] Valeria Karrantza: take care
[10:52 AM] Kyle Juriya: ok bro but we need muscle here
[10:52 AM] Kyle Juriya: scratches my head
[10:52 AM] PennySage Tristan: since when you scared of a little water kyle
[10:52 AM] Kyle Juriya: how can i lift that shit. points to the stones
[10:53 AM] PennySage Tristan: your strong
[10:53 AM] Kyle Juriya: yeah chuckles
[10:53 AM] Kyle Juriya: i can left 1000 lbs?
[10:54 AM] PennySage Tristan: well good then
[10:54 AM] DeaAthena Helendale: My husband found a servant to tidy up this mess
[10:54 AM] PennySage Tristan: shouldnt be problem
[10:54 AM] Kyle Juriya: laughs
[10:54 AM] Kyle Juriya: not in this form i can
[10:54 AM] PennySage Tristan: wait let me piss you off some
[10:54 AM] PennySage Tristan: furball
[10:54 AM] Kyle Juriya: maybe the small stuff
[10:54 AM] Kyle Juriya: growls
[10:55 AM] Kyle Juriya: thats not gonna piss me off that much
[10:55 AM] PennySage Tristan: ok then i broke your bbq
[10:55 AM] Kyle Juriya: you did not
[10:56 AM] PennySage Tristan: did to
[10:56 AM] Kyle Juriya: gives her a look
[10:56 AM] Kyle Juriya: sighs
[10:57 AM] Kyle Juriya: dea she brake my bbq?
[10:57 AM] Kyle Juriya: or she bull shitting me
[10:57 AM] Kyle Juriya: wait
[10:57 AM] Kyle Juriya: sirzechs
[10:58 AM] Kyle Juriya: can you left this shit?
[10:58 AM] Kyle Juriya: looks down at the fallin bridge
[10:58 AM] Sirzechs Gremory confused "I never been on this part of masada"
[10:58 AM] DeaAthena Helendale: What is this?
[10:58 AM] Valeria Karrantza: o.O
[10:59 AM] Sirzechs Gremory: I been working in the hanger on my stabilzing pod
[10:59 AM] PennySage Tristan: wow he should be able to lift up this bridge so we can fix it
[10:59 AM] Kyle Juriya: nods
[10:59 AM] PennySage Tristan: he wont rust will he
[10:59 AM] Kyle Juriya: i dont know
[11:00 AM] Kyle Juriya: i never see him in the water before
[11:00 AM] PennySage Tristan waves
[11:00 AM] PennySage Tristan: hey dna
[11:00 AM] dnadude: Hi all
[11:00 AM] dnadude: lol
[11:00 AM] Kyle Juriya: hello
[11:00 AM] Abe Tristan: hello Dna
[11:00 AM] Kyle Juriya: falls into the water
[11:00 AM] Sirzechs Gremory: no it wont the dark demonixc energy that i run through my soul intothe mech regenerates its body so there will be no damage to the metal design
[11:00 AM] PennySage Tristan: get to work kyle
[11:01 AM] Kyle Juriya: feels hes anger rage
[11:01 AM] Kyle Juriya: and starts to turn
[11:01 AM] Sirzechs Gremory jumps down to help
[11:01 AM] Kyle Juriya: ripping threw hes close hes body changes
[11:01 AM] PennySage Tristan giggles..."im sure that got him mad"
[11:02 AM] Sirzechs Gremory grabsa pices of debri and drags it outof the water
[11:02 AM] Sirzechs Gremory: piece*
[11:03 AM] PennySage Tristan: make a big pile so we can burn it
[11:03 AM] Sirzechs Gremory:hrows it on the ground
[11:03 AM] Kyle Juriya: pushes some of the rocks away and finds a path
[11:04 AM] Kyle Juriya: starts to fallow the path
[11:05 AM] Sirzechs Gremory picks up two large pieces of the bridges and goes to drop them ion the pile. looks at kyle "Hurry up Kyle this is gonna be a long day"
[11:05 AM] dnadude: 2 more min. and they have developed webbed between the toes
[11:06 AM] PennySage Tristanchuckles
[11:08 AM] Kyle Juriya: i found a cave
[11:08 AM] Kyle Juriya: points
[11:08 AM] DeaAthena Helendale: we returned
[11:08 AM] PennySage Tristan: no way where
[11:08 AM] Abe Tristan: hey, welcome back
[11:08 AM] PennySage Tristan: there no caves here
[11:08 AM] Kaisaris Karrantza well i get a friend, is she, maybe can help withe something,
[11:09 AM] Kyle Juriya: there is a cave
[11:09 AM] Kyle Juriya: and somthing down there
[11:09 AM] PennySage Tristan: your drunk kyle
[11:09 AM] Kyle Juriya: points
[11:09 AM] Kaisaris Karrantza point the bridge, " this is the bridge i saw, and they are my friends abe and his wife penny
[11:09 AM] PennySage Tristan: you drank to much water
[11:09 AM] Kyle Juriya: im telling you there is something there
[11:09 AM] ixelles Lyter: bonsoir
[11:09 AM] PennySage Tristan: evening miss
[11:10 AM] Kyle Juriya: looks over hes sholder
[11:10 AM] dnadude: Hope not he did...
[11:10 AM] Abe Tristan smiles to Ixe "hello there"
[11:10 AM] Kyle Juriya: nods and looks back at the direction of the cave
[11:10 AM] Kaisaris Karrantza abe and penny she help us too,
[11:10 AM] Abe Tristan: good
[11:10 AM] PennySage Tristan: dna go with him ..kyle go show dna this cave
[11:10 AM] Kyle Juriya: its was hard to see in the water
[11:10 AM] PennySage Tristan: im not getting in that water
[11:10 AM] ixelles Lyter: you can not cut the tree trunk to the bridge?
[11:10 AM] Kyle Juriya: come
[11:11 AM] Kyle Juriya: jumps back into the water
[11:11 AM] Abe Tristan: well, first we have to remove some debris
[11:11 AM] ixelles Lyter: its stones are very heavy
[11:12 AM] Abe Tristan nods
[11:12 AM] Abe Tristan: mostly Kyle will do
[11:12 AM] ixelles Lyter: should keep them to rebuild the bridge
[11:12 AM] Abe Tristan: the heavyer part
[11:12 AM] Abe Tristan: what, the tree?
[11:13 AM] Kaisaris Karrantza maybe she have a specials power, dont know
Kyle and dna come to cave and awaken something inside:
[11:05] Kyle Juriya: looks down and can see something in the water
[11:06] Kyle Juriya: what the fuck is that
[11:06] Kyle Juriya: trns and walks back
[11:11] Kyle Juriya: was around here
[11:11] Mashugah Resident snorts
[11:12] Kyle Juriya: growls and pulls hes weapons
[11:12] Kyle Juriya: there is something here
[11:12] Kyle Juriya: was here
[11:13] CCS - MTR - 1.0.4: Kyle Juriya has been defeated by Mashugah Resident!
[11:13] CCS - MTR - 1.0.4: dnadude Resident has been defeated by Mashugah Resident!
11:13 AM] Abe Tristan: what they doing?
[11:14 AM] Abe Tristan shouts: hey what you doing over there? you getting a nap?
[11:14 AM] DeaAthena Helendale: maybe she is very strong
[11:14 AM] DeaAthena Helendale: can move the debris with ease
[11:14 AM] PennySage Tristan: go check on them
[11:14 AM] Abe Tristan: me?
[11:14 AM] PennySage Tristan: yeah
[11:14 AM] Kaisaris Karrantza: smile
[11:14 AM] Abe Tristan: in the water?
[11:15 AM] PennySage Tristan: yes
[11:15 AM] Valeria Karrantza: giggles
[11:15 AM] Abe Tristan snorts and jump over the bridge
[11:15 AM] DeaAthena Helendale: My husband
[11:15 AM] Kaisaris Karrantza: you need superview all
[11:15 AM] Kaisaris Karrantza: o.o
[11:15 AM] PennySage Tristan smiles
[11:15 AM] DeaAthena Helendale: Also you have to go
[11:15 AM] Kaisaris Karrantza: o.o
[11:15 AM] DeaAthena Helendale: Abe not only
[11:15 AM] PennySage Tristan: what going on down there
[11:16 AM] Kyle Juriya: looks up at abe and poinits the the rocks
[11:16 AM] Abe Tristan: they on the ground... not sure if they napping
[11:16 AM] Abe Tristan: umh... no
[11:16 AM] PennySage Tristan: grrrrrr being lazy
[11:16 AM] Kyle Juriya: moans
[11:16 AM] dnadude: To dangerous
[11:16 AM] Abe Tristan: what happened? ar eyou wounded?
[11:16 AM] Kyle Juriya: somthing attacked us
[11:16 AM] PennySage Tristan: rock fall on them
[11:17 AM] Kyle Juriya: in a week voice, i told you somthing was there
[11:17 AM] Abe Tristan: there's nothing here, where
[11:17 AM] Kyle Juriya: run
[11:17 AM] dnadude: RUUUN
[11:17 AM] Abe Tristan: oh shit
[11:19 AM] dnadude: Look at Kyle ...are u ok
[11:19 AM] Kyle Juriya: slowly gets to my feet
[11:19 AM] Kyle Juriya: rubs my head
[11:19 AM] Kyle Juriya: i think so
11:23 AM] Abe Tristan shakes the head
[11:23 AM] dnadude: Who create this momster
[11:23 AM] dnadude: Shake my head
[11:23 AM] Abe Tristan: no clue...
[11:23 AM] Abe Tristan: maybe was already there underground
[11:25 AM] Abe Tristan: so, what the fuck was it?
[11:25 AM] PennySage Tristan: what going on down there
[11:25 AM] Kyle Juriya: grabs abe and the girl and walks up
[11:26 AM] PennySage Tristan: what going on
[11:26 AM] Abe Tristan: alright, seems like Dna and Kyle woke up some creature down there
[11:26 AM] Kyle Juriya: we were attacked
[11:26 AM] Kyle Juriya: i didnt wake up anything
[11:26 AM] Abe Tristan: well, someone did
[11:26 AM] dnadude: I didn't see it before it was to late
[11:27 AM] PennySage Tristan: creature
[11:27 AM] Abe Tristan: is dark, humanoid, with spikes... kinda like was Xue when mutant, but less gay than him
[11:27 AM] PennySage Tristan: what creature
11:28 AM] Kyle Juriya: picks up parts of the bridge and throws it at the gave
[11:28 AM] ixelles Lyter: you can heal it back
[11:28 AM] Kyle Juriya: growls
[11:28 AM] Abe Tristan: is everyone ok?
[11:29 AM] Kyle Juriya: only my ego
[11:29 AM] PennySage Tristan: where dea and xai at
[[11:29 AM] Abe Tristan: here they are
[11:29 AM] PennySage Tristan: ok so what this creature look like
[11:30 AM] Kyle Juriya: was dark
[11:30 AM] Abe Tristan: told you, kinda like Xue but less gay
[11:30 AM] Kyle Juriya: with spikes
[11:30 AM] PennySage Tristan: and how you wake it up kyle
[11:30 AM] Kyle Juriya: i didnt wake it up
[11:30 AM] PennySage Tristan: you sure
[11:30 AM] Kyle Juriya: it just attacked us
[11:30 AM] Abe Tristan: out of the blue?
[11:31 AM] Kyle Juriya: looks at dna
[11:31 AM] Kyle Juriya: you touch it?
[[11:31 AM] dnadude: Hmm
[11:31 AM] dnadude: mi maybe stepped on it
[11:31 AM] DeaAthena Helendale: good continuation
[11:31 AM] Valeria Karrantza: bye
[11:31 AM] dnadude: i don't know
[11:31 AM] dnadude: shake my head
[11:32 AM] Abe Tristan: see you Dea and take care
[11:32 AM] PennySage Tristan: take care dea you ok
[11:32 AM] Kyle Juriya: looks down in the water
[11:32 AM] Kaisaris Karrantza: looks at the girl, well I have to go, then we see you? Thanks for helping my friends, see you then Abe and Penny
[11:33 AM] PennySage Tristan: oh come on now
[11:33 AM] dnadude: No no no
[11:33 AM] Abe Tristan: thank you Kais, see you soon
[11:33 AM] dnadude: u go first Penny
[11:33 AM] dnadude: i come with you
[11:33 AM] PennySage Tristan: in the water
[11:33 AM] dnadude: i don't want to wake it up again
[11:34 AM] Kyle Juriya: hmm
[11:34 AM] Kyle Juriya: someone grabs the bridge as i lift it
[11:34 AM] Kyle Juriya: grumbles
[11:34 AM] PennySage Tristan: have to go in the water again kyle
[11:34 AM] Kyle Juriya: yeah yeah
[11:35 AM] Kyle Juriya: climbs down and starts to lift the bridge
[11:35 AM] Kyle Juriya: oh shit
[11:36 AM] Kyle Juriya: falls to the ground in a pool of blood
[11:36 AM] Mashugah growls
[11:36 AM] Seren Gibbs: uhm the moster again?
[11:36 AM] Kyle Juriya: growls back at the creature
[11:36 AM] PennySage Tristan: i see it
[11:36 AM] Mashugah sniff the beast
[11:36 AM] Kyle Juriya: trys to swing at it'
[11:37 AM] dnadude: BEHIND u
[[11:38 AM] dnadude: gone
[11:38 AM] dnadude: !
[11:38 AM] PennySage Tristan: wow poor kyle
[11:38 AM] Seren Gibbs: really
[11:38 AM] Kyle Juriya: thank you seren
[11:38 AM] Seren Gibbs: yvw
[11:38 AM] Kyle Juriya: gets to hes feet
[11:38 AM] Seren Gibbs: come out
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