I. Liderc Regulations & Guidelines (OOC)
II. Liderc Law (IC)
“Freedom and strenght only come from discipline: seek freedom
and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find
your freedom, submit yourself to a rigid discipline and you’ll feel
that in that submission lays your strenght.”
~Liderc Dark Codex, I, 62~
1. As a Liderc member, it is expected that you will put maximum effort in both understanding and respecting the MASADA Rules and guidelines.
2. Keep in mind that as a member of the group, you represent Liderc in all that you say and do. Your IC/OOC actions affect the overall perspective on how Liderc reputation is viewed. Creating troubles at this level will lead to consequences depending on the severity of the issue.
3. As general rule: when you’re in any CCS universe wear your faction tag: Liderc member tags are deemed as IC badges which any player can see. It counts as IC information for all the players you encounter and in most cases, it is the detail that players you encounter will note and remember most. *Note: this is deemed more as guideline than strict rule: can exist many IC and OOC reasons to wear or not wear a specific tag.
4. No cross-factioning (joining multiple IC active factions in the CCS network). Either you’re a Liderc or you’re not. Any exception to this rule must have solid IC reasons and agreed with with the faction leaders. *Note: In respect of this specific rule, character's racial groups are not considered “factions”.
5. Combat is deemed as a sub-type of conflictual roleplay which means that whatever fights initiated with enemies must have IC reasons corresponding with IC events. No starting fights out of boredom or “just for fun.” More importantly, OOC driven fights are totally unacceptable.
6. Accept your defeat, is part of the game. There’s no such thing as a “fair fight”, many factors always affect the outcome of a combat scene: numbers, levels, SL or network issues, luck... Accept it with poise and NEVER whine. No matter if “they” do the same or not; “they” are not Liderc.
7. OOC issues between Liderc members have to either a.) be worked out privately, or, b.) brought to the faction leaders as soon as possible. OOC disputes which escalate to OOC drama ruin gameplay and create discord in the group. Refusal to cooperate in resolving such issues may lead to the removal of toxic individuals, depending on the severity of the situation.
8. Support other Liderc members in any aspect of the game: rules & guidelines, roleplay, meter, and so on.
9. Keep IC/OOC seperate at ALL times and strive to make this seperation clear. For example, your OOC friends could also be your IC enemies, but IC you are expected to view them as enemies and act accordingly.
10. Do not allow room for IC/OOC confusion. Strive to stay true to your character and roleplay story at all times. If there’s any doubt as to whether your actions can be misunderstood, work to clarify it.
11. No OOC arguing with other players in Local Chat. Especially, do not respond to OOC criticism or complaints in Local Chat. Try to limit OOC chat to IMs.
12. Always stay tuned to the Liderc’s official channel as well as Allied channels, especially when we are in combat as important information such as situtation/strategy updates and orders will be given in those channels.
13. Show courtesy by striving to respond to calls made on the Liderc group chat whether it’s to let everyone know that you’re safe or simply to notify them that you’re busy with things outside of NOR or SL.
14. Always keep a log of everything, whether it be Local Chat or IM logs. Often you will be asked for a log when you report a situation or an issue, especially when it escalates into a situation where sim GMs or admin becomes involved.
15. If there is anything you are unsure about Msada rules, CCS rules, Liderc OOC/IC laws, guidelines, always ask an Officer or a Council member for clarification before you act.
~ ver. 2.0 - last update JAN12 ~
I. Our family is a blood brotherhood. Our ties are forged and bound in blood. Family membership is not something given lightly and in turn, must not be taken lightly. By becoming part of this family, a Liderc member pledges:
- Unquestionable loyalty to the Liderc family, first and foremost, by being part solely of this family.
- To put forth effort in upholding the pride and name of the Liderc family.
- Unwavering support for Liderc family and allies, especially in combat.
- Accountability to the standards of Liderc Law and the Liderc Council for all actions which affect any family member, the family as a whole, or the alliance of the Liderc with other families.
- To show proper respect to one another and to those we have deemed as our allies and friends.
- To make an effort to be present at family gatherings and to actively participate in Liderc family undertakings.
II. Liderc members engaged in combat are expected to display the qualities of an intelligent and valiant fighter. Therefore:
- A Liderc in combat must fight to the best of his/her abilities at all times. This includes being ready for the enemy to attack at any given time.
- We Liderc in group combat always fight together. This means maintaining a close group formation unless otherwise ordered for strategic purposes.
- A Liderc in group combat does not fight for himself alone but alongside Liderc brethren and allies, providing support where needed.
- Never show mercy. Mercy is for the weak.
III. When in doubt as to whether or not to kill a certain person whose intentions are questionable, opt for KILL. You can always apologize later.
IV. Any issues among family members must be resolved within the family. This requires that:
- The parties involved attempt first to resolve the issues in private amongst themselves.
- Any issues between family members must be reported to the Liderc Officers or to the Liderc Council for settlement if the initial attempt at resolution fails.
- If it is an issue involving an Officer, report to the Council directly.
V. Liderc are to provide support and aid to each other at all times, regardless any disagreements or doubts about each others’ reasons for initiating or becoming involved combat or any other type conflict.
VI. Liderc are to respect and follow Liderc policy and standings at all times with regards to other factions and groups. It is expected that each Liderc member will keep in mind Liderc enemies, friends, allies and tune your actions and behavior according to this.
VII. Any harmful actions towards Liderc or any Liderc family members must be reported immediately and acted upon in retaliation promptly. We do not take offenses sitting down.
VIII. Liderc are to report hostile actions against any Liderc member or against the family as a whole so that it can be dealt with properly and taken into consideration in the updating of the record of the standings of Liderc enemies and allies
IX. Liderc is not a democracy. members are involved as much as posisble in any decision however command chain is expected to be always respected. If the orders are questionable, report the situation to the Council.
X. Officers who give out orders which deviate from Liderc Law or from the direct instructions of the Council will be dealt with as severely as the Council sees fit to do so.
- Any issues with laws that govern this family must be taken up with the Council directly.
- Any deviations from the law will be dealt with severely.
~ver. 2.0 - JAN12~