Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Liderc/CM diplomacy on prisoners treatment [IC]

[IC] Liderc/CM diplomacy on prisoners treatment Posted at 2010/11/02 17:52</td>
((IC note sent to Liderc group))

We had this convo with Lily from CM. Basically the idea was to find an agreement on prioners tratments and such:

[12:30 PM] Lily Citron: (Saved Tue Nov 02 17:20:09 2010) hi Abe talked to dad he likes the idea and wants this to happen he is also curbing all rapes except on certain cases
[12:30 PM] Lily Citron: (Saved Tue Nov 02 17:20:26 2010) those being extreme cases
[12:30 PM] Lily Citron: (Saved Tue Nov 02 17:21:52 2010) he wants to form a prisoner agreement and maybe have everyone sign on it to show we want even prisoners treated with some respect let me know if this is something you might want to help with and give input
[12:38 PM] Abe Tristan: well, what the terms of this, wich factions would be involved, and who decides the &amp;quot;extreme cases&amp;quot;?
[12:39 PM] Lily Citron: that neeeds to be discussed
[12:39 PM] Lily Citron: first do we have a deal between you and CM?
[12:41 PM] Abe Tristan: Liderc and CM?
[12:41 PM] Lily Citron: yes
[12:42 PM] Abe Tristan: I’ve to consult my people too
[12:42 PM] Lily Citron: thank you

This is our official answer to her in a letter:
To: Lily Citron
CC: All Liderc memebers and Crusaders

Dear Lily,
we all appreciate you and the effort you put in diplomacy and inter-factions relationship.
However Koshi always broke any treat and agreement CM signed. Waste of time and energies. He cannot considerated a faction leader, actually CM are leaded by a clown good only to run like a rabbit all the time or to invent ridicolous trick to avoid consequences of his actions. Liderc don’t want to have any kind of deal deal with that idiot.
We’re fighters; tortures, rapes, mutilations... all this is part of our job. If one is scared to be wounded shouldn’t fight at all.
We’re Norians, we follow the NOR ways: an eye for an eye.

The Liderc Council

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