Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Stairway to Heaven

Some days are slow at work is slow and you get bored. In such days sometime I like to give random words to the Google search and engine and then browsing the results hoping from link to link.

So today I had a blast running in a this nice archeologic find from the Second Age (NOR). I've to thank Xue Udimo for this, he's polite enough to share his NOR Admin's screenshots and documents in a public blog :)

Anyway, the ugly thing in the picture is the so-called "Stairway to Heaven", a materpiece of Liderc defensive architetture, a path of ramps designed to make the access to our home hard for enemies. Ugly, yes, but very effective: I stil smile pleased remembering all tose OOC grieffers and gankers sent by Bizarre Obscure (as in the case of this pic) to harrass NOR players. And their whines, their babies cries when the Stairway to Heaven defeted and stopped them... Never tears were more sweet.

Please note the DCS hud in the picture. Here the asshole is "playing" an NPC with stats altered by Bizarre Obscure and equivalent to a level 300 and is trying to gank LinX (in his target preset) a level 9 NOR player.
I forgot to save any pic of the Stairway To Heaven for our archives. Thanks again to Xue for sharing.



Anonymous said...

Abe, why was this necessary. You trying to get people to join your sims? Thats fine. but to demean another sims for your own boost is beyond class. It lacks respect for those playing in the sims that are supposed to be your friend.So ask yourself this, what makes you any better that Baron and Izzy? Do like Kyle and come to NOR and poach. You left, ok and we all wished you, all Liderc and Vashar well. Not one person ever said a negative thing or even posted anything of a negative nature about any of you. So this makes you better than NOR? Look in the mirror cause you just totally disappointed me.Shame on you.

asiandragon Graves

LIDERC said...

Hello Asian, nice to read you.
I dont's see what bother you, it's only a post about something related to my faction on my faction's blog, why shouldn't we talk about it? Our groups has been harmed, insulted and censored by NOR managment, do you really think can continue to censor us in our home too? Forget it.

What bother you? The fact we talk about Bizarre Obscure attitude to OOC harrass individuals and groups to push them away? This is a fact, this happened continuosly in the last 5 years, always with the same dynamics. Biz is well-known in all SL for this and he also admited it. In our case was threated, announced and explicitally declared. And when one sees more norians "elsewhere" than in NOR maybe is wise to start to think about this. Let's see who is the next to be pushed out.

Izabella Rossini, Bizarre Obscure, Baron Nowhere, JD Llewiyln... and all this kind, this people are guilty. They destory roleplay communities and storylines, they feed hates amongst players, they spy, they scam, they abuse, they defame, they blackmail. They are toxic for SL.

None said or posted anything negative about us, Asian? For months people in NOR has been insulted and slandered by group notices and chats as well trought your forums, and censored to prevent any reply. And you really marvel when they talk elsewhere? Welcome on Internet :)

Poaching? Our sims do not need people, is a different setting, is inserted inside a larger network. Poaching? I'm talking on MY site about MY faction, poaching what? Is fun to ear talking about this when for years in NOR several our members (and I know the same happened to Vashar) were continuosly bugged by OOC pressures (always reported to me and documented) from NOR admins reppresentative (Rothmiel Odigaunt, just to say one) to force them to leave Liderc. So don't talk about poaching. Again: want to see some log?

Then don't be surprised if NOR staff as a whole is deemed as one of the most corrupted in SL, maybe is wise to ask to yourself if there're reasons....

At least, as you see, you can write here and are not censored. We cannot do the same "there". So, yes, we're better.


Anonymous said...

I never said anything of a negative manner, nor will i ever. But tell me something, when is enough, enough? I am asking when is it time to just move on? And i take that your insulting me by saying i am corrupt. Its ok, because I will only wish you, your family and friends well. I would understand if you deleted my post, it would not bother me. What bothers me is NOR still angers you and all I am saying is just let it go. Good luck to you all, I hope all goes well for all of you.


LIDERC said...

Asian, I don't understand why you expect people get brainwashed or renounce to talk, think, having opinions, telling joke or chatting about their experiences. I know for Bizarre Obscure and JD Llewellyn using the brain is deemed as a toxic activity, but, guess what, people don't give a fuck to them retards and keep doing it and having fun :)

The blog post you're commenting is about staff related to OUR faction, OUR build, OUR experiences, OUR history on OUR site. All this belong to us, not to your bosses. Is not like we posted jokes about the current OOC shit or about the NOR staff internal feuds going on... It's so cool to be elsewhere :)

I never said you're corrupt (I know you are not) I said that NOR admins have a lame reputation all over SL, and this is a fact. Go around with some alt and veryfiy this personally. For the record I don't think this is not true and they are not corrupt (beside few exceptions); NOR admins have simpaty cause i know they're victims, having to deal daily with Biz an JD, running daily to deal with their stuff, sent on the first line and taking the blame for their bullcraps; I feel sorry for them, I can figure how miserable is their SL time. My point was: try to ask WHY they have such a shitty reputation.

I suggest you to talk to ppl Asian. Doing this you'll realize as "NOR" is not Biz, Jd, Sic, Roth or whoever. NOR is their players, and if 90% of these playrs are elsewhere you should ask to yourself if there're reason. And if different players, different generations for years tell you the same history repeating all the time, the same mechanics and adress the same individuals in NOR managment along the years.... then maybe there's something true in what they say.
They are not "Nor". They are only there using their privs to scam norians and manage their private business.
