Thursday, December 22, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Finally the encampent in the new location Masada starts to be replaced with stone buildings. The Liderc base rebuilded and the town center. Also Vashar arrived in Masada settling her new base in the land.
A view of Masada landscape:

The new Liderc base:

Crusader Shrine and Remembrance Memorial:

Vashar base gates:
A view of Masada landscape:

The new Liderc base:

Crusader Shrine and Remembrance Memorial:

Vashar base gates:

Saturday, November 26, 2011
The Caravan
Liderc caravan is finally moving; NOR base in Spiritus Sancti is disassembled: furnitures, weapons, war loots, gold, documents and all the Family's goods are loaded on a caravan counting more than 300 camels.
The caravan gathering in front of Liderc base in Spiritus:

Even here, roasted goat for dinner:
The caravan gathering in front of Liderc base in Spiritus:

After weeks of travel the caravan finally reaches the new home. The land is renamed Masada. Here the clan sets a temporaru encampment and starts to rebuild and to shape the land:
Even here, roasted goat for dinner:
Saturday, November 19, 2011
To: Liderc and Crusaders of NOR.
"Remembrance teaches the attitude
of the knife — chopping off what's
incomplete and saying: "Now it's
complete because it's ended here."
~ Liderc Dark codex I, 45. ~
Dear Liderc, dear Crusaders of NOR,
I write this note to officially inform everyone about our decision, as Liderc, to stop our activities in NOR.
I am sad to announce this and I apologize with you all for this. But if we're at this point means there were really no alternative; having to deal daily with the personal frustration of JD Llelewin or with the psichotic paranoia of Bizarre Obscure and their OOC wars is pointess for someone (as we all) that is putting effort, RL money and time in their love for NOR.
Many of you (Liderc and Crusaders) are with us since the first day. Together we built the strongest groups and alliance ever seen in NOR, together we promoted the most important long term roleplay and richest gameplay in NOR for almost 2 years; and and all this with no special/aritificial admins "support", XP rewards or other bullcrap. And everyone in NOR, in some way, had to relate
to it.
I feel an huge respect for you all, Liderc, vashar, Invictus, Crusaders... you're the elite, I am honored for the the time and gameplay you accepted and accept to share with me. You're hte best fighters, best roleplayer, best people and friends in NOR, you never knelt; you don't deserve to waste your time to deal with JD bullcraps or Biz and Roth toxic OOC campaigns (i.e. the "summer mutant roleplay" and others).
will stand, of course. Simply the group will not be an active faction in NOR anymore, his home will be moved elsewhere else and the faction re-focused. This is going to be defined better in the next days and will require some time and sacrifice.
CRUSADERSI'm to keep the group anyway, but here of course is not up to me only, we already had some talk with the Crusader COuncil members. We'll talk more wth everyone in the next days/weeks to decide.
Blood and Honor
Abe Tristan
"Remembrance teaches the attitude
of the knife — chopping off what's
incomplete and saying: "Now it's
complete because it's ended here."
~ Liderc Dark codex I, 45. ~
Dear Liderc, dear Crusaders of NOR,
I write this note to officially inform everyone about our decision, as Liderc, to stop our activities in NOR.
I am sad to announce this and I apologize with you all for this. But if we're at this point means there were really no alternative; having to deal daily with the personal frustration of JD Llelewin or with the psichotic paranoia of Bizarre Obscure and their OOC wars is pointess for someone (as we all) that is putting effort, RL money and time in their love for NOR.
Many of you (Liderc and Crusaders) are with us since the first day. Together we built the strongest groups and alliance ever seen in NOR, together we promoted the most important long term roleplay and richest gameplay in NOR for almost 2 years; and and all this with no special/aritificial admins "support", XP rewards or other bullcrap. And everyone in NOR, in some way, had to relate
to it.
I feel an huge respect for you all, Liderc, vashar, Invictus, Crusaders... you're the elite, I am honored for the the time and gameplay you accepted and accept to share with me. You're hte best fighters, best roleplayer, best people and friends in NOR, you never knelt; you don't deserve to waste your time to deal with JD bullcraps or Biz and Roth toxic OOC campaigns (i.e. the "summer mutant roleplay" and others).
will stand, of course. Simply the group will not be an active faction in NOR anymore, his home will be moved elsewhere else and the faction re-focused. This is going to be defined better in the next days and will require some time and sacrifice.
CRUSADERSI'm to keep the group anyway, but here of course is not up to me only, we already had some talk with the Crusader COuncil members. We'll talk more wth everyone in the next days/weeks to decide.
Blood and Honor
Abe Tristan
To: NOR players and community.
This note is to say goodbye to you all. I decided to move out of NOR and focus on something else.
Such decision comes after several months of events; this summer, the so-called "mutants roleplay" - designed and driven to purposely harrass OOC and split the community - was already a strong signal in this direction and things were already gone too far.
However the main reason - as in many other cases - is the continuos harrassment coming from JD Lewin and her lobby.
This just only to make clear there's no issue related to NOR in ggeneral or to any of his players.
We're not happy to leave: we love NOR and norians. However there are limits; in situations like this one is forced to evaluate if all the passion, effort, time and money invested in a project are evaluable or if is not more productive in somehting else.
In respect of Liderc and our groups the feedback from my people is blunty. Accordingly in the next days the group will be relocated and refocused elsewhere.
But here I won't talk about this. This note is only to apologize with you all for all the interrupted IC threads story and projects and to
thank you all for the years of fun and roleplay, we'll miss interacting with you all;
NOR is good and his players community is awesome; one of the most intelligent, fun and creative in SL. Please, continue so and don't allow to anyone to turn you in an herd of hotspots campers or trafic bots.
Safe paths to everyone and - anyway - see you all on the grid.
Abe Tristan
This note is to say goodbye to you all. I decided to move out of NOR and focus on something else.
Such decision comes after several months of events; this summer, the so-called "mutants roleplay" - designed and driven to purposely harrass OOC and split the community - was already a strong signal in this direction and things were already gone too far.
However the main reason - as in many other cases - is the continuos harrassment coming from JD Lewin and her lobby.
This just only to make clear there's no issue related to NOR in ggeneral or to any of his players.
We're not happy to leave: we love NOR and norians. However there are limits; in situations like this one is forced to evaluate if all the passion, effort, time and money invested in a project are evaluable or if is not more productive in somehting else.
In respect of Liderc and our groups the feedback from my people is blunty. Accordingly in the next days the group will be relocated and refocused elsewhere.
But here I won't talk about this. This note is only to apologize with you all for all the interrupted IC threads story and projects and to
thank you all for the years of fun and roleplay, we'll miss interacting with you all;
NOR is good and his players community is awesome; one of the most intelligent, fun and creative in SL. Please, continue so and don't allow to anyone to turn you in an herd of hotspots campers or trafic bots.
Safe paths to everyone and - anyway - see you all on the grid.
Abe Tristan
Monday, September 19, 2011
Introducing Lotka Volterra
Lotka-Volterra (LV) is a racial vampire elite group in the Nation of Remembrance.
The name is derived from the Lotka-Volterra equations, also known as the predator-prey equations, are a pair of first-order, non-linear, differential equations frequently used to describe the dynamics of biological systems in which two species interact, one a predator and one its prey ((
Lotka-Volterra is not a faction, a clan or an alliance and does not follow any clan/faction logic and is not meant to intrude specific factional business.
Main goals of the group are:
1. To study and document vampire history, presence and bloodlines in the Nation of Remembrance lands.
2. To serve, protect and promote the kindred culture and ethics.
3. To train younger vampires in proper knowledge and using of their powers (hunting, fighting and assassination arts)
4. To provide meeting point and a communication tools among the kindred in the Nation.
5. (Classified)
Lotka-Volterra is an elite group; joining is not a right, it is a privilege.
Individuals (not faction or clan) can join the group if they meet these requirements:
- To be a pure vampire (Defined in the OOC Notes below)
- To be a member of the VoN group
- Having a decent knowledge of Nocturnal powers and skills
- To be approved by the LV Elders.
(1) We define "pure vampire" as: both, "Nocturnal" race in the meter AND equivalent RP (so - sorry - no: "I'm a vampire-neko-human hybrid" or "yes, I am a machina in the meter but I rolplay a vampire").
(2) Have a minimum level of 9, (The level cap ensures members possess enough combat knowledge to teach spells and general combat to the younger of our Race)
- Lotka Volterra is not a faction and in no way acts as faction. The group exists to aid in fixing issues among members of the vampire community and promoting talks or diplomatic tools while staying out of factional business and politics.
- Lotka Volterra and their communication channels cannot be used as a platform to trigger a fight or to call for help.
- Lotka Volterra membership does not have to be displayed or declares in any way (no badges and so on).
- Being in LV is not a right, it is a privilege. This privilege can be given as well as taken away.
- (Classified)
~ document version 1.2 - last update 9/16/2011
Monday, September 5, 2011
((IC internal note to Liderc))
The recent events proved as this new "mutants" race is only toxic for the true norians and a cancer for the Nation.
For this reason Liderc racial policy is changed. The following clause is added and immediately effective:
Mutants are not welcome and not allowed to join Liderc.
~The Liderc Council~
The recent events proved as this new "mutants" race is only toxic for the true norians and a cancer for the Nation.
For this reason Liderc racial policy is changed. The following clause is added and immediately effective:
Mutants are not welcome and not allowed to join Liderc.
~The Liderc Council~
Monday, August 29, 2011
NON NOBIS [IC-mutants -RP]
((note sent to crusaders network and attacked on the walls in Spiritus, Good, Vampire and Remembrance. So can be deemed as publicly visible IC))
Here we talk to the free Norians.
In the last weeks, a line has been drawn:
On one side all the individuals, groups, and factions that refused to bow to the "mutant" puppets. They prefer to stand and die honorably instead of kneeling. They prefer to rely on their own strength and skills instead of kissing mutant ass for some help. They proved to be true Norians, not silly goats or worse, bleating sheep. Doesn't matter if they're friend or foe for us Crusaders, they deserve respect.
On the other side the weaklings - the ones who knelt and bowed tossed away their honor. Unable to stand alone, forced by their own true pathetic nature, they begged for the mutants' help for lack of their own skills and strength. As Legion or their lapdogs, Ruin and many others who we haven't the time to name, did. We do not resent or blame them, for who can blame the weaklings when it is their nature to bend and bow to power?
To Bizarre Obscure, maker and driver of the mutant gummy puppets, we humbly suggest to come back to care for her people instead of wasting resources to create artificial super-soldiers to reach her goal: eradicating and driving out of NOR any other faction or group, turning the Nation of Remembrance in an empty, flat and monotone wasteland; a pasture for goats.
"You are not free whose liberty is won by the rigour of other, more righteous souls. Your are merely protected. Your freedom is parasitic, you suck the honourable man dry and offer nothing in return. You who have enjoyed freedom, who have done nothing to earn it, your time has come. This time you will stand alone and fight for yourselves. Now you will pay for your freedom in the currency of honest toil and human blood."
~ Abe Tristan ~
Here we talk to the free Norians.
In the last weeks, a line has been drawn:
On one side all the individuals, groups, and factions that refused to bow to the "mutant" puppets. They prefer to stand and die honorably instead of kneeling. They prefer to rely on their own strength and skills instead of kissing mutant ass for some help. They proved to be true Norians, not silly goats or worse, bleating sheep. Doesn't matter if they're friend or foe for us Crusaders, they deserve respect.
On the other side the weaklings - the ones who knelt and bowed tossed away their honor. Unable to stand alone, forced by their own true pathetic nature, they begged for the mutants' help for lack of their own skills and strength. As Legion or their lapdogs, Ruin and many others who we haven't the time to name, did. We do not resent or blame them, for who can blame the weaklings when it is their nature to bend and bow to power?
To Bizarre Obscure, maker and driver of the mutant gummy puppets, we humbly suggest to come back to care for her people instead of wasting resources to create artificial super-soldiers to reach her goal: eradicating and driving out of NOR any other faction or group, turning the Nation of Remembrance in an empty, flat and monotone wasteland; a pasture for goats.
"You are not free whose liberty is won by the rigour of other, more righteous souls. Your are merely protected. Your freedom is parasitic, you suck the honourable man dry and offer nothing in return. You who have enjoyed freedom, who have done nothing to earn it, your time has come. This time you will stand alone and fight for yourselves. Now you will pay for your freedom in the currency of honest toil and human blood."
~ Abe Tristan ~
Saturday, July 30, 2011
(this are declared enemies and will probably attack you. Feel free to attack them)
* Rejects
* Corvinus Knights (inactive?)
(Liderc don't have severe issues with these groups. However they're gnerally allied with our enemies. No need to attack them always but pay attention they could jump in. Also, some of them seems lacking of a clear policy or characterization, splitted in subgroup or individuals out of control)
* Ruin (actually a truce going on)
* Emerald Palace:
(No clear policy they seems to act mostly according to individuals dating and mood. Mostly a Ruin sub-group)
* Legion, Legion Of The Damned, LoTD
* Ventrue Sabbat
* Lahar
* Any mutants affiliate/supporter/infected or whatever is 'hostile' regardless for the faction
(Not formally allied but Support, help and be nice with them :) )
* LS, Lycan Syndacate (Morph group)
* CM, Chaos Marine
* Sci-Tron (Drexter machina group)
(as "friends" but with operative alliance channels, coordination and shared policy)
* Vashar
* Invictus Sanguinis
* In general anyone in the Cursaders of NOR
* AN, Asmodeus Ness
* Lace
* Underworld Guardians/Phoenix
* Gangrels
* Malkavians of NOR
* Maneki-Neko
* Angels of Death (Aigle Voom and Omega Brook group)
- OUTDATED/INACTIVES(old groups not too much around anymore or with no evidence about them)
* Tzildalaris
(seems dead faction, only 1-2 active members. Ruin sub-group. 'hostile' )
* GK, Gloriosae Kaos
(seems disbanded or in sleeping mode , but since there's no diplomatic/politic evidence of change their status is 'hostile')
* CLM, Chaos Legion Marines (new legion subgroup built to replace CM)
(seems disbanded or in sleeping mode , but since there's no diplomatic/politic evidence of change their status is 'hostile')
* Demonkind Militia, The United Forces of Demonkind
(seems disbanded or in sleeping mode , but since there's no diplomatic/politic evidence of change their status is 'hostile')
* Abyss
(disbanded or in sleeping mode , but since there's no diplomatic/politic evidence of change their status is 'hostile')
* SINister
(disbanded or in sleeping mode , but since there's no diplomatic/politic evidence of change their status is 'hostile')
* Any group not listed here have to be considerated "neutral" (report any hostile action from them or anything else so we can tune the standings if needed)
* Any subgroups related to the ones listed here inherit the status of the "main" group ((this include also alt/fake groups))
* In case of multifactioned people the more negative standing have to be applied
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Reminder on the so-called "libation" [IC]
((Liderc group internal IC note))
Just a reminder for all Liderc:
The so-called "libation" pratice still in use for some rural Reliance rsidents is deemed - according to our Law - as a simple and plain aggression act.
Everyone is invited to deal with this kind of request in the proper way according to Liderc Laws, as an aggression.
To be clear: defend yourself againt the aggressors and kill them.
~Abe Tristan~
Just a reminder for all Liderc:
The so-called "libation" pratice still in use for some rural Reliance rsidents is deemed - according to our Law - as a simple and plain aggression act.
Everyone is invited to deal with this kind of request in the proper way according to Liderc Laws, as an aggression.
To be clear: defend yourself againt the aggressors and kill them.
~Abe Tristan~
Monday, April 11, 2011
LIDERC-CM Alliance agreement
*** Terms of Alliance between LIDERC and CM/AN ***
CM/AN and LIDERC decide to work to restore the traditional, ancient bounds that historically kept their families united to counter any incoming threat for NOR. Accordingly we, as leaders and representative of our factions, state the following:
1. LIDERC and CM/AN agree to an alliance as equal partners.
2. The two families will support each other military, politically and economically.
3. If needed LIDERC and CM/AN will support each other military by request and can include, but is not limited to: Combined military training, Supporting offensive actions against any common threat for the two families or for the Nation Of Remembrance.
4. CM/AN and LIDERC respect each others independence and own course. We accept that minor conflicts between individual members might occur and will open a dialog should the disagreements of the members start to threaten the stability of the alliance, LIDERC and CM will act on verified facts rather then rumors should they be spread.
5. Political discussions that have a reasonable risk of affection the other should be discussed first.
6.CM/AN and LIDERC will support each others businesses and their members (exchanging posters, protection against military and economical aggression.
7. Taken the previous points into account, LIDERC and CM/AN agree that they will not plan or start any military or political action against each other. They will defend each others point of view in the open and discuss different political issues in private.
8.CM/AN and LIDERC will encourage interaction between their members to increase friendship ((and stimulate roleplay)).
Signed in Honor by:
Asiandagon Graves - Commander to The Chaos Marines and Asmodeus Ness.
Abe tristan - Liderc Council.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Latin love to hate Liderc party
Nice party on Liderc base roof. Slaughtering people can be draining and sometime one needs some rest. Not too long anyway...
Thank you to everyone for coming.
Mostly considering there were no need of special hotspot or XP reward...
[15:37] Hecate DuCasse: damn, I havent seen so many people in Spiritus since Urby's wedding
[15:37] DaSein Noyes: urby who
Thank you to everyone for coming.
Mostly considering there were no need of special hotspot or XP reward...
[15:37] Hecate DuCasse: damn, I havent seen so many people in Spiritus since Urby's wedding
[15:37] DaSein Noyes: urby who
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